By~Susan Nash
A question I get asked often is:
"How long did it take you to make that?"
The simple answer would be that I like to work on several projects at the same time, each in a different stage, so I can bounce back and forth between them, as inspiration strikes. This makes it more difficult to put any sort of "timing" on it, and each project is different. So, in general, I say, I have been working off and on (a particular piece) for a month or so.
BUT, the truer, deeper answer is has taken a lifetime. Everything along my path... all of my collective experiences go into the making of a piece. There are all of the hours spent trying out a new technique... or the time in 8th grade home economics class that I ripped out and re-sewed a zipper into a dress 7 times...or the hours I spend in the woods and fields....every class I've ever taken....the music I listen to....the food I enjoy....I think you get the idea?
We are inspired by... well....what we are inspired by! We absorb it and spit it back out in the form of our creativity, with our own spin on it. The hours or minutes spent creating are what is necessary for something to come to fruition, but it's all that background history that gives it spark and that "Susan Nash" style. So, indeed, a lifetime goes into the making of each you agree?
With my finished piece.
Middle stages of finishing