Joined Forces

Hello! Susan Nash here…we are hoping to all jump on and write a blog post every single week so keep checking back!

We get asked two questions often:

  1. How did the four of you decide to join forces? The short answer to that question is that we felt a little tired and needed some new energy. We wanted to all be in a space in the center of the downtown art community and the more we started discussing things, the more it made sense.

  2. How is it working out for you guys…4 women in one studio?!?!?! That four women can get along in one space may surprise a few naysayers, but the truth for me is that I have found a sisterhood of inspiration, creativity and safety. On some days it is a bee hive of activity on others it can be a quiet, soul-centering refuge. It is a place of expansive creativity, a journey of inspiration where friendships and artwork are made.


It’s funny that we are rarely all four ever at the studio at the same time…circumstances and travel keep us going in different directions. And yet…and yet, it really works! We come together to accomplish the not-so-fun-but-you-gotta-do-it business end AND we get to share in the joy of creating.

I feel so lucky to be a part of this fantastic tribe and I hope you feel our energy every single time you visit or see a piece of our artwork!

~~Susan Nash